
This site gives those who play for (or are interested in) the Scotch College Old Collegians' Soccer Club information about the club, its games and its members.

Sunday 1 November 2009

Hey Guys, again someone told me that this maybe came across a little bit like I was having a go at you all for not helping, which really wasn't my intention, I was just a bit pissed off at the school's attitude towards us and really trying impress upon everyone how much we will be needing help next season, and that the school isn't going to give us much unless we show we are getting more organised!

Chris and I didn't really ask for much help last year, and we certainly didn't expect any if we didn't ask!! I had no problems at all with anyone's contribution or efforts last season!! I felt we had a really good year on and off the pitch, I just want us to take it to the next level next season!
