
This site gives those who play for (or are interested in) the Scotch College Old Collegians' Soccer Club information about the club, its games and its members.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Webmaster Needed!!!

Hi Boys!!!

Looking forward to preseason, and seeing everyone's bright and smiling faces getting
ready for a new season of ass-kicking!

Just wondering if anyone out there is in the slightest bit web-savvy?

We have an offshoot on the Scotch OC website that we need to make a little more snazzy
and inviting, and I am really NOT the man for the job, as I can barely operate Word!

I've made a bit of an effort to make it look ok, but it frustrates me as it looks all pretty
in the workstation, but comes out looking really bad.

So anyone who reckons that they could donate a little bit of time to get this running, get in
contact with me ASAP!

or 0432961653

Thanks Guys!

Also for those of you that I haven't got in contact with previously, i'm getting married!

We're having an engagement party on the 13th of January from midday till 6pm at the Pines Area 1 at BelairNational Park, you are all welcome! Get in contact with me at the above if you want to come!

Or just rock up, it's all good!
