
This site gives those who play for (or are interested in) the Scotch College Old Collegians' Soccer Club information about the club, its games and its members.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Season 2009!!

Hi Guys!

It's that time again, season 2009 is just around the corner and we are aiming to make it Scotch's most successful season yet.

After a very impressive two years in charge, our charismatic coach Paps has decided that it is time for him to move on. I believe he is making a move interstate (sorry if i'm spreading lies Paps!), and so 2009 will see the return of Rev. Alec Rodgers as the senior squad coach.

2009 will also see a new structure at the club. We feel that we have grown to the point that the club needs to take on a much more professional and organised structure. To that end we have formed a commitee of myself, Chris, Paul, Josh and Dain that will be meeting once a month, and will be taking on the responsibilty of moving us forward. We in no way want to make this seem like we are running the club just within one group of mates, so anyone else out there that would like to stick their hand up and join this commitee, just get in touch with one of us and we'll snap you up.

We are currently in the process of organising new uniforms, our own dedicated training area with lights, the use of the school's fitness equipment and pool, getting changerooms that we don't have to share with the footy boys, and a great deal of sponsorship.

We also feel that the model for most successful clubs in the colleigiate league requires a club to have as many, stable, teams as possible. To this end we would like to encourage you all to bring out anyone you know, they don't have to be scotchies, of any ability to help us grow the club. We WILL provide a team for all these players to play in regularly, as we have lost a great many over the years, purely because they weren't getting a game.

We are also thinking about having a senior 'squad' of players who will be spread between the A and B divisions, with selection based on performance and training attendance. This squad will be required to attend TWO training sessions per week. With one most likely to take place in the MacBean centre on fitness equipment and in the hall until we get our own training area.

Pre-season will start on Wednesday January 7th, at the school at 6:30 pm, and will continue until the start of the season, with a second training to be introduced for those wanting to play in the senior squad soon after.

There will also be a 'sign-on' day in late febuary, $50 of your subs will be due by this date, and NO-ONE who has not paid this will play until they do. As the Collegiate League is now a part of FFSA, we have player regisration forms and fees to pay by March, and we cannot afford to pay this for you!

We also want to thank Paps, Johnnie and Alex Turner for all their hard work of the past few years, we wouldn't be in the position to make these changes without all the groundwork they have laid for us. Cheers Guys!

Also can players from 2008 please let us know ASAP if they are planning to play or not in the coming season! Give one of us a call, or send us an e-mail to scocsc@yahoo.com

Hope to see you all out soon!!!
