
This site gives those who play for (or are interested in) the Scotch College Old Collegians' Soccer Club information about the club, its games and its members.

Thursday, 19 February 2009

2009 Player details

It would help us if everyone could fill out the online form below, and let other new players know about it as well. 

Pre-season training times in the below post! We really need to get as many people out next week as possible, particularly on next Wednesday (25th Feb). That's the last we can decide how many teams to field in 2009.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Pre Season Training

Training Times (Feb/March 09)

Time: 7pm
Location: Meet at Glenelg Jetty
Bring: Sneakers

Time: 6.30pm
Location: Scotch College
Bring: Soccer boots