SCOTCH BOYS PINT and PARMIE NIGHT!! Sat 4th August (After Uni White game) $15 only Front Bar of The Ed 7.30pm start Then a blinder in town afterwards!!!!! $5 will go towards the club for upcoming events -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scotch Fantasy Premier League Competition The official fantasy league competition of the EPL There's been a lot of talk over the last few weeks about who going where, who's good and who's not, who's loved and who's hated, so lets see if you really know your football!!!!!!!! Go to and choose your players for your English Premier League Fantasy team, then once it's all confirmed go to 'Join or Create League' (should be under 'Points/Rankings' in the grey column) and enter 15069-5465 as the league code. We will organise to chip in a little cash and have a prize for the winner!! Season starts August 11 so get cracking!!!! Its ON!!!!! Who's going to have the scotch bragging rights!!!???? Would be great if everyone got involved!!! Thanks to Geordie for setting this up. |
This site gives those who play for (or are interested in) the Scotch College Old Collegians' Soccer Club information about the club, its games and its members.
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Pint and Parmie Night - Saturday 4th August
Posted by
mark paparella
7:56 pm
Labels: Social Events
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Lookin forward to the Fantasy Prem. League, make sure you jump on it boys, the more the better!
What a lovely homepage this is.. Heaps of colors and stuff - Mark loves it! - Never a comment without at least 3-4 different colors - starting to wonder if its Kelly who's doing the writing.
Cheers for the messages John btw. Anita loves them :)
I suppose i'll join in,i'll see how many former Argyle players i can find in the Premier League(theres 1 and he plays for Derby and he's a Twat)can i put Paps in my team cos he's my Fantasy!!!!!
Remember Brendon,the last time Argyle played Newcastle,Argyle won and i was there!!!2-0 to the Argyle boys!
Are you jealous of my artistic skills Eirik!!?? haha I think you are!! :o) Hope all is well in ScandAnavia!
Hope the Norway boys appreciate the Fighting Norwegian Viking on the home page!!
Johnny don't tease Geordie about Argle being better than Newcastle because they're a simple lot the Geordies and they can't help how under-achieving their football team is and how they are only famous because they have only had one good player ever...Steven Carr. :o)
Lets just look at the facts boys, who has been in the Premiership for the past 10+ years, who has played in the Champions League, UEFA Cup and 2 FA Cup finals (even though we lost to Man U and Arsenal), I tell you who it wasn't:
Plymouth Argyle.
What teams do you support Pap's? Is it team Lampard? Or Team Gerrard? Or Fabregas? Or Buszaky?
see my post under the Viking
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